References nursing & therapy

Many institutions trust in ITW solutions.

ITW waterbeds has worked together closely from early on with experts from the fields of sport, nursing and medicine. We are constantly testing our bed systems according to the latest scientific standards.

References health care and therapy

Clinic, Nursing, Therapy


music therapy


health care & therapy


Gmunden, Lebenshilfe OÖ

Gmunden, Nikolaus Lenau-Schule 

Linz, Miteinander Gesellschaft

Mittersill, Pensionistenwohnheim

Ohlsdorf, Hof Feichtlgut

Raabs/Thaya, NÖ Landes- und Pensionistenpflegeheim

Schrems, NÖ Landes- und Pensionistenpflegeheim

Vöcklabruck, Pflegeanstalt Schloß Cumberland

Vöcklabruck, Lebenshilfe OÖ

Waidhofen/Thaya, NÖ Landes- und Pensionistenpflegeheim
Zwettl, CARITAS Tagesheim

Zwettl, FROHSINN Pflegeheim

Zwettl, Seniorenzentrum St. Martin 



clinics & sanatoriums


Gmunden, LKH Gmunden

Kirchdorf, LKH Kirchdorf

St. Georgen im Attergau, San. Prim. Dr. Gerhard Rupp

Vöcklabruck, LKH Vöcklabruck


